Friday, July 2, 2010

Blast Off!

This week, Brother Bear has been participating in a Science Camp along with another buddy of his from school. The theme of the camp was space and rocketry. Let's just say that if Brother Bear were a pig, this camp would be the proverbial mud. Brother Bear has had a blast. Literally.

This camp, however, has highlighted a serious Mama Bear fear I've been haunted by since giving birth. I was expecting this fear to be realized somewhere around 10th grade when Bear would come to me and say, "Mama Bear, can you help me with my Trig homework?" And then I would break into hives and stammer out, "Well, uh, no Brother Bear. see, Mama Bear, uh...didn't really take Trig in high school. Or college. Or, um....EVER." And then the magic spell where Brother Bear believes that I know absolutely everything would end and life would just be downhill from there.


Unfortunately for me, this camp has accelerated that plan by a mere, oh, ten years or so. He has come home from camp talking about things that I have NO EARTHLY idea what they are. He might as well be speaking another language. In fact, he IS. It's called nerd-ese. And, Cyber Bears, let me tell you that is one language in which I am NOT fluent. Let's just say that I think I faked it for this week. Do they have Cliff Notes for science and math? I think I'm going to need them. Soon.

Anyhoo, this morning was the culminating event of camp. They launched the rockets they had been building all week. The joy on his face was worth the price of admission. Thought you all would want to see it too.

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