Thursday, April 19, 2012

I believe in miracles!

Do you believe in miracles? Today on Facebook, I'm talking about miracles. Click here to read more.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Friday randoms

Hello, CyberBears! Just popping in here quickly to let go of some random thoughts that have been bouncing around in my brain/frustrating me/worrying me/harassing me this week.

You are welcome.

Have a great Friday!

  • Chin hairs. The bastion of adulthood/woman-ness they surprisingly forgot to tell us about during that "class" in fifth grade.
  • So, you know that "authentication code" section you have to do on the internets? You know, the ones with the scrambled prove you aren't a robot? Yeah. I'm pretty sure those folks are in cahoots with the eyeglasses industry. It takes me at least two tries. Maybe more. (Note to self: never make fun of your elder {and wiser} Sister Bear when she gets reading glasses. Because, um, that might possibly bite you in the fuzzy behind sooner than you ever anticipated.)
  • I caught a portion of a story on NPR the other day, and it was just enough to scare the be-jeepers outta me. Seems it's possible that the Earth's magnetic poles/fields are due for a switch. They say nothing big will change - only the compass will point South instead of north. I say that my compass pointing north one day and south the next day...BIG DEAL. I'm more than a little obsessed with checking compasses now. Oh, and for those of you that weren't already worried about this, the last time this occurred was a wee 740,000 years ago. So, HOW IN THE WORLD do we know nothing bad's going to happen if all the folks that were around when it happened are now fossils??? Are my cubs going to grow up saying "True South" versus "True North?" These are the things that keep me awake at night.
  • I've always been a big fan of NPR's show, "Wait Wait...Don't Tell Me!" Love it. But now that I've stepped up my technological game to 2009 levels and learned how to download a Podcast, I love it even more. Nothing, and I do mean nothing makes an hour long torture session on the skinny seat of pain bike ride more entertaining than an episode of "Wait Wait...Don't Tell Me!" Love.
  • I witnessed some seriously savvy Mom-ing today. I was at Sugar Bear's ballet class and they were asking mom's to sign up for the role of "Backstage Mom" for their upcoming recital. Every Mama Bear in the room immediately went digging for a pen in their purse. Guess who was the only Mama Bear with a pen? Yep. Bravo, other Mama Bears. Bravo. Note to self: stop carrying a pen in my purse.
  • My favorite restaurant in the world has upped their game. Yes they have. Chick Fila is now serving a "Banana Pudding Milkshake" see:

I restrained myself. Today. But, rest assured CyberBears, my willpower will eventually fail me. And it will be divine.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Taking the Road Less Traveled

Today on Facebook, I'm talking about taking the road less traveled. Click here to read more.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Fearing to Fear

Today on Facebook, I'm trying to sort out when to fear and when not to. If you have an easy answer, please let me know. Because, I'm still struggling. Click here to read more.

How you doing?

So, Mama Bear, how's that whole "conquering fear" thing going?

Good. Good. Why do you ask?

Oh, no reason. No reason at all...


Yes, that's me and my cubs wearing our helmets crowded in the guest bathroom riding out the storms in our area yesterday. And, yes, I do have earbuds in listening to the local weatherman's live reports of the storm. That is, until the cubs commandeered my laptop because the iPad battery died.

Thanks to all of you who checked in on us. We are safe. Papa Bear had a pretty adventurous day at the airport, Brother Bear spent 1.5 hours in "duck and cover" in the school hallway, and Sugar Bear spent some "special time" in the music room at school singing songs. Meanwhile, I went into full panic mode because all of my loved ones were with someone else and I couldn't do a durn thing about it.

I'm working on it, CyberBears. I really am. But, I'm definitely a work in progress...

If you have a moment, pray for those in our community affected by the tornadoes. They need it.