Thursday, September 23, 2010


Oh my heaven!

When did you get old enough to be SEVEN YEARS? I just can't believe it! Now, I wasn't quite lucid when they brought you into this world, so someone had to give me photographic evidence of the moment you entered this world:
I guess I'll have to trust it...

Brother Bear, It seems like yesterday that we brought you home all tiny and soft and placed you in this cradle hand-made by your grandparent bears:

And now, now you are a BOY cub. There's no more baby cub left.

You've grown so much over the past year.
Not as much physically, but in character.

You grew in courage, facing an uncomfortable surgery you didn't want.
You grew in strength, managing the post-op pain and rehab.
You grew in maturity, learning the ropes at school and on the playground.
You grew in compassion, finding ways to give to others with what little you have.
You grew in humor, learning how to tell jokes and master a well timed physical pratfall.

These are stats the doctor won't measure at your 7 year checkup. But rest assured, we've observed them. We cherish them.

We love you.
Our first.
Our boy.

Happy Birthday Brother Bear!