Wednesday, August 31, 2011


So, most of you Cyber Bears know (either because I've mentioned it here or because you see me sweating it out at the gym) I've been working out with a trainer for about...meh...let's call it 7 months now. It's an expense that, for a one income family on a budget, I know sounds extravagant. Don't think me extravagant. I got a "deal" and I pinch and scrimp other places.


Well, several reasons. One, I was noticing that just running wasn't cutting it for me anymore. I was running more miles and still not burning calories like I wanted. Two, I knew that in order to improve my running, I needed to put some effort in on strength training and, um, I didn't know a thing about strength training. And three, I needed a little spark put back in my workout romance...metaphorically speaking.

So, I got a trainer and couldn't move for literally 3 months. Apparently, my muscles had been in hibernation for about..oh...26 years. It was painful with a capital P. There were days that the first step out of the bed brought me to my knees. I was shocked that my legs could ever be sore considering all the marathons I run. Ha. What did I know. Apparently running marathons uses only about 10% of the eight billion muscles you have in your legs (oh, and derriere!).

And I am paying for this, Cyber Bears.

But I finally started feeling really good. Stronger. More confident. It's been perfect for me, the bear who has some serious body image issues. I L.O.V.E. working out with a trainer. I haven't lost any weight but the good news is, since I feel so good, I'm not as concerned about the scale.

But that totally isn't my story...That was back story. Sorry.

So, I work out together with a bear friend who is also a runner. Wait, no. SHE is a runner. I'm a recreational jogger. SHE has qualified for The Boston Marathon. I've qualified to watch it. SHE is a rock star. I'm a groupie. It's great working out with her because she pushes me to do my best while I make her look good (and laugh). Quid pro quo, baby.

Anyhoo.....the point of my story...

So today we are working out - doing a series that involved sit ups. (Which, by the way, I'm bad at. I've tried to explain to the trainer that I was born without abdominal muscles, but he doesn't seem to believe me.) Suddenly, this lady shows up at our feet and starts talking to us.

It goes something like this:

Lady: {Looking at both of us} Y'all look SO great!

Us: Why, thanks!

Lady: Seriously! I've been watching y'all since you started working out with this trainer. And y'all look great. {Looking at my training partner} Well, you already looked great. {Now looking DIRECTLY AT ME} but you, well, you really look so much better!


I tried to take it as a compliment. I really did. Which lasted a total of about 4.5 seconds. And then I took my sniffly, trying-not-to-cry, totally offended self to the bathroom tout de suite for a little "refreshing."

I'm over it now. But in the moment? Yeah. Not so much. I know she meant well. But, well, sometimes it's just better to think things versus actually saying them out loud.

Don't you think?


  1. definitely not necessary! no need to make a compliment a negative compliment!

  2. Pah-leeze. That is ridiculous. SHE is ridiculous. I say take it as a compliment from an insensitive woman, because let's face it, if she can see such a big difference, your hard work IS paying off!
