Thursday, January 21, 2010

Things I've learned

Here are a few things I learned yesterday (in case you were interested)...

  • Never, ever, ever, ever tell your bear cub how many shots/needle pokes they are going to receive unless you are ABSOLUTELY, 100%, without-a-doubt positive that the number is correct. Because, hypothetically speaking, you might - in good faith - tell them that the number is 3 and it actually turns out to be 5.
  • NO amount of stickers can convince a 6 year old bear cub that 5 needle pokes (dubbed, "the stapler" by Brother Bear) is O.K.
  • Phlebotomists are really, really nice. Until you kick them in the shins. Then the gloves come off. (Okay, the gloves don't literally come off because that would be totally unsanitary. But you know what I mean.)
  • Two adult bears are no match for a 50 pound pissed off bear cub.
  • My bear cub is exceptionally good at UNO. Like - freak of nature - good.
  • It is darn near impossible to un-pry a 6 year old bear cub's clenched paw.
  • Papa Bear can nap just about anywhere at anytime. It is a coping mechanism I wish I had.
  • Pancakes with whipped cream and copious amounts of maple syrup are a fabulous reward.
  • Pediatric Phlebotomist is officially off my list of potential careers. I'll stick with Mama Bear. It's easier.
  • I have an amazingly tough, resilient bear cub. (But, I already knew that)

1 comment:

  1. Bless that Brother Bear's heart! All that's almost behind him now, right??
