Monday, March 22, 2010

Random thoughts...

A few random thoughts after driving 1800 miles in a car completing a seven day vacation without bear cubs:

  • My delicate derriere, despite the padding, can only withstand about 900 miles of driving/riding in a car.
  • The bathrooms in a certain state which shall remain unnamed (starts with a "T", is in the south, and ends with an "EE") failed to impress me. Seriously failed. I do, however, have several phone numbers should you be "looking for a good time."
  • I have the genetic material of my Grandmother Bear: I love scratch off lottery tickets, and being a back-seat driver.
  • Cracker Barrel is trying to take over the world. Seriously. 4 states, 1800 miles and OVER 20 Cracker Barrels (Yes, we counted. You run out of things to do over 1800 miles). Don't be surprised if you receive a Christmas present from me that involves a doily, rooster, or a painted sign with some cute "kuntry" quote. I couldn't resist.
  • Sugar Bear is punishing me for leaving her by hanging on me like a monkey and screaming bloody murder if anyone looks at her funny. If not for the screaming and being unable to get anything done, I'd totally love it.
  • We were home approximately 24 hours when Brother Bear flooded the bathroom.

Since we haven't had a vacation (sans bear cubs) since Sugar Bear was gestating, all of the above was totally worth it. We had a glorious time. Papa Bear and I have the greatest Parent Bears around, as they made it all possible.

Now I'm off to catch up on my to-dos.

Right after I eat. I have a crazy craving for biscuits and gravy.....


  1. Glad y'all are back safe and sound! I found the CUTEST tractor shirt for Ian at Cracker Barrel. So don't go dissin. :)

  2. Oh, I'm not dissin! I had me a big ol' plate uh chicken fried steak, mashed taters and fried okra from Cracker Barrel on the trip!!! I'm just making an overall general statement/warning that Cracker Barrel is taking over the world. And my cholesterol level. :)
