Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Fortune Teller

Brother Bear put this sign on his door yesterday. Translation (for those of you who don't read fluent phonetics): Keep Out! P.S. You know why I wrote this because you wouldn't give me a brownie".

That's right. We denied our cub...a brownie. Let it be known that we are not crazy food denying bears! Brother Bear made a poor choice earlier that morning that resulted in a consequence: no dessert privileges for the day. Unfortunately, his Y Guides tribe was coming over that evening, and I was making homemade brownies for the event...

Do you see the train wreck waiting to happen??

Needless to say, it was a rough afternoon of learning lessons and, apparently, a letter writing campaign. But we stuck to our guns (encouraged by a recent MOPS speaker). In case you are worried, I'm happy to report that Brother Bear did not starve.

I predict door slamming in our future.


  1. The PS is really what makes it awesome! But good for you for sticking to your guns! (You wanna send me his homemade brownie?)

  2. I threw my beloved teddy bear in the trash as revolt for something my Mom did when I was six or so. I have no idea what that "something" was, 37 years later. I imagine the "Breat Brownie Incident of 2010" will soon be forgotten by him--but probably never by you!!! :)
