Dear Lord:
Today is my first day as field trip chaperone for the kindergarten bears.
I'm really nervous. I know you've got a lot on your hands, what with the earthquakes, oil spills, wars and such, but if you could...just maybe...take a little time to hear me out? I'll be quick.
- Please don't let me lose anyone. I really want to impress the other Teacher Bears and Mama & Papa Bears. And I'm thinking that losing a child doesn't instill the kind of confidence I'm looking for. Eyes in the back of my head, please!
- Please don't let me make a child cry. I mean, really. Kindergarteners cry at the drop of hat. But I don't want some precious, doe-eyed kid going home and telling their Mama & Papa Bears that Brother Bear's Mama Bear made them cry. I don't want to be the mean Mama Bear. Let me be the nice Mama Bear, please.
- No accidents if at all possible. Nothing says, "never let her near my cub again" like a broken arm or a chipped tooth. May the cubs under my watchful care be graceful and careful. If your feeling generous, I'd even take a few cautious cubs.
- Please let there be air on the bus. I've been to Africa, so I know hot and sweaty Lord. But nothing says stinky like a hot bus full of kindergarten bears. And, being perfectly honest with you, I won't survive long. Please let them all have taken care of their daily hygiene. And please, please, let there be air.
- Please let the cubs in my care follow the rules. You see, I'm a bear-pleaser. And there is nothing worse for me than to have cubs in my care be called down by officials. So, give me a handful of cautious rule following cubs, please. Oh, I know I'm asking for miracles now!
- One more thing, God. If you have time. If you could, for the love of all things Holy, just, and good with this world, please, please, please, puhleeeeeze keep anyone on the bus from having to use this:
There are no words sufficient for the kit.