Thursday, February 10, 2011

Finding Time

Today on Facebook, I am talking about finding time to be still. Do you struggle with this too? I would love your thoughts and suggestions. Click here to read more.

1 comment:

  1. When I can't find the time, I turn on KLTY or KCBI. Between the amount of time I spend in the car and those two radio stations, I get plenty of time to contemplate whatever it is God needs to direct me to.

    Mind you, this is NO SUB for the actual study of God's word, but it is from God, so it acts almost like the glue that holds me together until I sit down and study.

    I try to never go a season without at least one Bible study. If my church isn't offering something, I put out a call to my girlfriends to see if their church has something going on. If not, I browse the "big" churches and take a friend with me. I always find the accountability of at least one other person VERY motivational.
