Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Lemonade Punch

"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade" - Dale Carnegie

So the Swagger Wagon was broken into yesterday.

I know.

Before we go throwin' a lot of stones we must first, stop, turn around, and then HIT ME ON THE HEAD WITH THE STONES! Because I, now known as "THE MORON," left my purse in the car.

I know.

"But, officer bear, I was late for my training appointment and my 3 year old bear cub was throwing a gigantic fit...and I just...FORGOT!" Yes, those are the words I said. I then might possibly have said, "Please save the lecture. Because we all know my parent bears are going to give it to me as well."

I know.

But this post isn't about my busted window and jimmied lock, or my stolen purse, or wallet, or credit card, or debit card, or drivers license, or zoo membership card, or gift card to favorite restaurant, or - egads - my frequent eater card to favorite restaurant (sob). Because all those things are replaceable. My cubs? Not so much. And me and mine are safe tonight (a lil' sweaty from the open air ride, but SAFE).

I know.

No, this post is about lemonade. Or, making some. Or, something like that.

See, today, I learned that you can stew about something and get all grumpy and such, OR, you can just take it as one of life's lessons and move along your merry way. I'm opting for the latter.

I know.

So, please enjoy a few sips of lemonade with me.

As I was sitting in the gym lobby, totally flustered, trying to deal with gym personnel, Papa Bear on the phone, and Sugar Bear bouncing off the walls of the lobby, Sugar Bear asked for something to drink. I told her I couldn't buy her a drink because, well, I had nothing but my car keys and cell phone (took it with me to the gym!). Enter sweet lady that, while I was talking with Papa Bear, took Sugar Bear over to the vending machine, asked her what her favorite color was, and then bought her the corresponding color drink.

I know.

So, apparently, having a missing driver's side window in your car creates wonderful opportunities for stop light conversations as well. Who would have thunk? Not me, I've been living in my concealed car for too long, Cyber Bears! Lemonade! You see, if not for having my car broken into, I would have never had the following lovely conversation while stopped at red light this evening.

Mama Bear: {Sitting at light singing and rocking with Brother Bear}

Nice Female Passenger Bear in Car Next to Me: Hey! What you listenin' to?

Mama Bear: {Is she talking to me? Oh, yeah, I don't have a window anymore. She must be talking to me} Me? Oh, just a little Beyonce! "All the Single Ladies"!

Nice Female Passenger Bear in Car Next to Me: You like Beyonce?

Mama Bear: Why, yes! I do!

Nice Female Passenger Bear in Car Next to Me: I do too!

Mama Bear: {turns up louder, so neigh-bear can hear, leans out window conspiritor-ally} My 7 year old cub likes it too!

Nice Female Passenger Bear in Car Next to Me: So, how long you been married?

Mama Bear: {Hmm..that's an odd question!} Fourteen years!

Nice Female Passenger Bear in Car Next to Me: {as light starts to turn green} Well, you tell your wife hello from me!

Mama Bear: {Sitting at light with mouth agape} Oof!

I know.

Now, granted, I was unshowered, still in my workout clothes (I had, at least, changed out of my seriously sweaty shirt) and hat, and no makeup (it was a CRAZY day, what can I say?), and the short hair gives me a serious disadvantage. But, I was wearing "hip" only-for-females-sunglasses! Couldn't she see? Seriously. Of all the days to be mistaken for a male bear? Sigh.

Cyber Bears, does this look like a male bear to you?
Looks more like someone who needs a stiff drink. Preferably lemonade flavored.

I know.

1 comment:

  1. I have nothing but compassion and a serious desire to NEVER leave my purse in the car again. Even accidentally.

    Oh! And to have a pink lemonade and tequila. Best.remedy.evah.
