Monday, December 19, 2011

You're A Mean One, Mr. Grinch!

Brother Bear:
Mama Bear, were you born in the 19th Century?

Mama Bear: Uh, no, sweetie. I was born in the 21st Century. What year do you think I was born?

Brother Bear: Hmm... I think, 1908?

Mama Bear:


Dearest Santa -

If you are anything like me, you despise last minute gift request. I understand you have a really long list, and scads more cubs to buy for than me. I get it.

But, would you do me a teeny, tiny favor and add one more eensy, weensy thing to your list? Just one thing:

I would like a lifetime's supply of Botox.

I've been very, very, veeeeeerrrry nice. I mean, I didn't say a SINGLE WORD when my sweet bear cub suggested that I am ONE HUNDRED AND THREE years old. SEE? I'm definitely on the nice list.

Thanks in advance for allowing this last minute request. I owe you.

Love and Kisses,

Mama Bear


  1. Ummm, I hate to break it to you, but you were born in the 20th century. Which makes you born LAST CENTURY -- yikes. But take solace knowing that you will always be younger than me. Yo.

  2. 20th, 21st....potato, po-tah-to. What's a 100 year mistake when your cub already thinks you are 103????

    And, of course, I AM still younger than you. No matter the century. :-)
