Friday, January 27, 2012

I kid you not...

I opened my mailbox today and found this little gem waiting for me:

Less than twenty-four hours after escaping near death-by-sports-undergarment (if you haven't ready yesterday's's a good time to get caught up). I was rendered speechless BY THE SHEER AWESOMENESS of this note. It brought a tear to my eye, and a huge guffaw to my belly.

If said local running store didn't already have a loyal customer in me, they CERTAINLY have one now.

Seriously. Is this not the best?


  1. This is fabulous! Have you figured out how they got your blog? I love it. It was a great story and I am glad you warned me, for I will be running that errand for a new purchase soon. You are saving lives, one hilarious blog post at a time.

  2. See, you do have more than 3 readers!
