Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Motivational CHALLENGE - What's your motivation?

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What is YOUR motivation?

I watched this YouTube video recently and was moved beyond words. You may have already seen it. Maybe not. Take a moment to watch it (major kleenex alert!):

Amazing, no?

When bears hear that I'm a marathoner, their first comment is something along the lines of "Are you crazy?" or "I couldn't run 26.2 miles if I was being chased by a bear!" (Come on. Did you expect me to use another animal?) To answer their first question, yes, I am crazy, but not because I run. And in response to their second comment? Well. Yes, yes you could.

You just haven't tried.

But here's the thing: I understand not trying. I've been there. And really, while I've never had to lose as much as Ben (in the video), I've had to have inspiration to get myself off the couch, out the door, and on the pavement. I feel Ben's journey. I share his process.

It's no secret that I've battled weight issues for a long time (helloooo, public battle!). Those issues eroded my body image and began to make me think I was something less than fearfully and wonderfully made. Over the past year, I decided to change my focus (again...very publicly). I decided to focus more on the positives (my fitness, my strength) and less on the negatives (a number on a scale). In doing so, I became more confident, happier and STRONGER than I've been in a long time. And if that means my jeans fit a little better too, well, that is just icing on the cake!

Now, let’s be real here. I’m not perfect. Not by a long shot. However, each day, I'm finding my list of "cans" is overtaking my list of "can'ts." Sure, I still battle old demons and sub-par choices (like my single handedly demolishing almost an entire Cheese Ball at Thanksgiving, for example). But, I know now I’m moving forward on this journey, not back.

One step at a time.

And that is all that matters.

So, don’t be surprised the next time you hear someone tell me “they could never…” you then hear me interrupt them with a long list of why they certainly could.

And now, for the TEAM FOUR BEARS Motivational Challenge:

I want to know what is YOUR motivation for getting and staying fit? Do you have a story to tell? Put it in the comments section and let me know. I guarantee I’ll read every story!

But, do you also want EVERYONE to know your story too? Well, put your $MONEY$ where your motivation is! Be the HIGHEST DONOR to Team Four Bears on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2011 and you will WIN the opportunity to tell your story right here on THIS BLOG!

(“Official” Rules: donate the highest $ amount to Team Four Bears between 12:00 a.m. and 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday, November 29, 2011 to win)


  1. Brian is running too, so our contribution went in his pile. :) I know I won't win the prize, but just wanted you to know I'm on a mission much like Ben's. I'm in the process of losing 100 lbs myself. I've lost 32 so far! I walk between 16 and 24 miles per week and am a faithful WW meeting attendee. No running yet. But getting healthy nonetheless. Reading a great book called Made to Crave. Life-changing stuff. Look forward to getting encouragement from other's stories! :)

  2. Erin Bear! That is AWESOME!! You really do look wonderful. So proud of you. So impressed with your journey! I've heard about Made to Crave. I should read it!
