Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Deep Thoughts

Or not so much.

It seems that with all I've had going on with life, I just can't seem to string a poignant thought together these days. My commitments are too many, my to-do list too long, and I've felt pulled in a million different directions. I've been overwhelmed with life emergencies as well as making serious decisions for our family that have left me bereft of anything worthy to write, much less post. My brain lately is only capable of random, short spurts of twitter-esque thoughts. Fashion Friday pictures linger on my hard drive. My plans and goals for updating on Team Four Bears have been delayed and delayed. Basically, I've left this blog "like a ship without a sail, like a boat without a rudder, like a fish without a tail." (extra points for those collegiate Cyberbears that know the reference!). For this control freak Mama Bear, feeling this way has been beyond frustrating.

The good news is, many of my (over)commitments are closing down in the next few weeks and (for the most part) big family decisions are behind us. The clouds are parting and I'm starting to see the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel.

The bad news is, in an effort to entertain my audience (all 3 of you), I've decided today to deliver the deep thoughts that have been bouncing around in my head lately.

I'll just go ahead and say this now and get it out of the way: send all complaints to our corporate headquarters - myfriendandspousewhoencouragedmetostartthisblog (at)fourbearsinthebed (dot) com.

Without further adieu:
  • While editing/reviewing recent communications and writing, I've noticed that I have a terrible habit of leaving my parenthesis open. Instead of thinking of myself as a grammatically incorrect, I've decided to label myself as someone who likes to keep her options open.
  • If I were in charge of some local races, (which I'm not. Because, I DON'T HAVE THE TIME!) there would be some significant changes. Numero Uno being the porta potties. Bottom line: you can never have enough porta potties at a race. Never.
  • As evidenced by deep thought above, my never ending immersion in potty training, an elderly dog, an eight year old boy, and a spouse, my life is consumed with poo. I never thought this would happen. Yet here I am. Immersed in poo. I could start a blog about poo. Seriously. When I listen to one of my favorite songs, "These Are The Days" a life immersed in poo is not exactly what I'm thinking. (Cub Master Bear...that one's for you)
  • Numero Dos race change would be wide, wide, wide starting areas. 2700 people smushed into a small space is more than this claustrophobic Mama Bear can handle. Don't bears have personal space issues anymore?
  • I set another PR this weekend for a half marathon. Shaved 2 minutes off my previous best. I'm kinda stoked about it. Interestingly enough, I ran a much smarter race than last year, but it was (or, it felt like it was) a harder race. Either way, color me happy.
  • I've seen and heard nothing but complaints about Daylight Savings Time. Can I say, it has been THE BEST THING EVER for our den? Seriously. I'm bouncing out of the bed. NO JOKE! Papa Bear's jaw hit the ground this morning when I got out of bed without snoozing the alarm. And the kids? They wake up BEFORE the alarm AND (more importantly) they are HAPPY about it. Bring on the Daylight Savings Time, Cyberbears. Bring it on.
  • I have a new addiction habit: nightly bowl of sugary cereal. It's a problem. The cereal changes from week to week (based on the sales), but the addiction habit sticks. Perhaps there are 12 step programs? Or, perhaps, I'll just stick my head in the sand. They are whole grain cereals after all.

Okay. So, maybe I should have kept my thoughts to myself. But, where's the fun in that?

Hoping to be back soon with something more interesting...


  1. Keep writing...Deep Thoughts with Jack Handey was probably created this way...

  2. As for the reference--"there's no such thing!!"
    Please give yourself some grace and keep writing--deep or not, consistently or not, we love this blog in out den.
    sister bear

  3. Right on Sister Bear (both earthly sister AND fraternal sister)! I knew you'd get it!

    {HUGS} to both of you for encouraging me!!
