Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Creative genius?

Please, please, please tell me that the desks of DaVinci, Einstein, and Bill Gates looked like this when they were six years old:
It's creative genius, right? RIGHT?????


  1. Obviously, you carried Zach in your womb OR, I carried Garrett. They were most definitely separated at birth. We spent the better part of Saturday creating "organization" on Zach's desk. Yesterday, a tornado blew through the house and we're back to square one. Boys.....

  2. Uhm... you can never visit me in my office at church. Ever. :) Mindy

  3. He's obviously gifted. Anyone who could find what he needs in those piles must be! Seriously, though...my sister was the "messy" one at our house and she's VERY creative and is currently working on her Ph.D. So don't fret. :)

  4. I hope so Robin! But really - who needs THREE pair of scissors??????

  5. girl, that's what my desk looks like NOW! ;-) Not so much genius...I'm just messy.
