Friday, October 16, 2009

Love your neigh-bear

When Moses descended from the mountain with a list of heaven sent commandments, the list just happened to include "love your neighbor as yourself". When Jesus was asked what is the greatest commandment, he gave two: love God, and love your neighbor.

For some of us this is easier said than done. However, I happen to be one very lucky Mama Bear who finds it very easy to love my actual neigh-bears. And I'm not tooting my own horn here. Because I have nothing to do with why it is so easy. It's all about my real life neigh-bears.

Let me explain.

Our Den is located on the corner of a lovely little street. Within walking distance, there are 7 families with pre-school aged bear cubs. Each family is different and unique, however we all share the same common bond of pre-school bear cubs. We've come to know and welcome each other as the years and bear cubs have grown. When the weather is nice, we're known to have impromptu yard events (optional for the kids: bathing suits, optional for the Mama Bears: wine). You can often see us on any given day shuttling bear cubs from one house to another for play dates, quick errands, or to simply give another Mama Bear a break. When a new bear cub arrives we celebrate in fashion. In fact, we don't really turn down a reason to celebrate at all!

It's becoming easier to understand why loving my neigh-bear is easy, huh?

With the arrival of both "school" and fall, it was decided that it was time to celebrate. A Ladies only (with one pint-sized exception!) luncheon this time.

As I mentioned earlier, we are each unique women. We all have our own talents, and bring our own skills to the proverbial table. (side note: I'm still trying to figure out what my particular talent/skill is..but that's another post) The two fabulous ladies that hosted this event are amazingly talented women in many areas (mothering, decorating, being neigh-bear-ly). But one area where they excel light years beyond my skill level or imagination is a party like this. Seriously. Think: Martha Stewart only prettier, nicer, and their children adore them.

So, today those of us who were able circled around a beautiful table and delectable food to celebrate. Celebrate what, you ask? Well, for starters, we celebrated the start of fall and an opportunity to get together over Mama Bear food, and Mama Bear drink and not have to share it (or listen to anyone complain about it!).

But more importantly for me, it was an opportunity of gratitude. I celebrated that of all the streets, in all the world, we all landed here, together. I celebrated the conversation: that it was fun and relaxed, not uncomfortable and forced. I celebrated the laughter that always comes when we are together. I celebrated that we are diverse in our lives and parenting, but we each love our bear cubs as fiercely as the other. I celebrated that there are women with whom I can share my children just as easily as I can a recipe. For that, I am eternally grateful.

I am not a perfect bear, and I may have challenges with the other commandments laid before me. But I guarantee with neigh-bears like this, loving them just comes naturally.

We entered to this. I told you - Martha Stewart! I'm so stealing this for Thanksgiving...

Just a little beverage to start..

Appetizers. There was egg, artichoke, and cheese. (supposedly, they were easy...)

A toast to our stage in life!

Soup: butternut squash goodness

Salad: orzo, feta delight

Dessert: sin on a plate. (I'm fairly certain I broke a commandment or two eating this...)

1 comment:

  1. WONDERFUL glad you have such a wonderful group of ladies sharing your street. Who can cook!!

