Thursday, January 13, 2011

Hey! Hey! Hey!

I've spent the last few days trying to wrap my head around what happened this weekend in Arizona. And honestly, I just can't. It's impossible for me to understand how someone could do something so incredibly awful.

And yet the media and politicians are all jumping for a soundbite with fingers pointing and clear answers. What I cannot wrap my head around, these bears have solved with the magic wand of hindsight. I'm just not so sure I can jump on board with that.

As I was thinking about these events, it got me to thinking about this past year. Upon reflection, I realized one simple fact: I am blessed. Truly, truly blessed. How do I know this? Well, it's not just because I'm an eternal optimist (although, that does help a little).

No, it's because over the past year, I've witnessed much. I've seen a dear bear friend endure the unexpected and unimaginable grief of losing a parent, I've seen another bear friend be diagnosed with a brain tumor and then take charge of her health and her fears and undergo surgery to remove her tumor, I've seen my Brother Bear have the courage to dig himself from the pit of despair to to find the strength he never knew he had.

This year, I've been witness to the reality of life. And most times, that reality isn't pretty. But in the midst of the reality, I've seen so much beauty too. There is hope. Sometimes, we just have to look hard and long to find it.

As I continue to process all of this, I think the common denominator for me is seeking hope. Do you think it is possible that if the shooter had reached out to someone about the feelings and thoughts he was having, that maybe this tragedy would have been avoided? I don't know. But I'd like to hope.

So today I'm reaching my hand out and saying, "HEY! There is hope!" It's there. We just need to find it. We need to seek it out. But we also need to give hope. We can't just keep walking through this world like we are the only ones that matter. We can't ignore the wounded anymore.

How can we hope for anything less?

As I process the ways that we give (and receive) hope in our everyday lives, I thought of a few tangible ideas. Because just saying it is one thing. Doing it is another.

Here are a few I came up with:
  • If you think life isn't worth living, reach out and tell someone.
  • If you know someone is grieving call them, text them, write them and let them know you are thinking about them.
  • If you think someone may be dangerous to themselves or others, tell someone.
  • If you are being bullied, tell a trusted adult and keep talking until someone listens.
  • If you think someone has a problem with drugs or alcohol or any other addiction, intervene.
  • If you think you have a problem with drugs or alcohol or any other addiction, seek out help.
Bottom line people, we have to do better. I want my cubs to live in a world of HOPE. I want them to believe in hope. Most of all, I want them to share hope.

Don't you want that too?

If you do, pass this message along to your friends. Leave me a comment on how YOU are going to give some hope. Leave me a comment on how someone else has given YOU hope.

Let's start a movement, Cyberbears. A movement to share hope.

Sounds awesome, no?

For inspiration, click on this video below. I've mentioned this song before, but I think I need to mention it again.

Because it's high time we don't let another moment moment slip away.


  1. Thanks, Brother Bear. Love you more.

  2. Excellent Mama Bear! I found hope this morning at an early meeting with 5 women from Wilshire who want to DO something about human trafficking. I think this group will GIVE hope when we get our action plan in place.

  3. YEAH, Mindy! That is awesome. Stories like that do indeed give me HOPE. Keep 'em coming!
