Friday, September 23, 2011



Oh my.
I can barely get the words out of my mouth!
I gasp sometimes when I think about it.
Eight years ago today
You made me a Mama Bear.
You took someone who thought she knew everything
and turned her world upside down.
(I mean that in the best way possible!)

And now, as if I blinked
it's eight years later.

You're independent.
very independent.
Yet, you still give me sloppery kisses.

You are so inquisitive.
so very inquisitive.
Yet, you still think I know most things.

You are so brave.
so very brave.
Yet, you still need a reassuring huggle every once in a while.

Brother Bear,
your heart and passion sometimes exceed what your little body is capable of holding.
Yet, you never cease to amaze me.

I'm starry eyed in your presence.
My first born.
My boy.

Here's to Eight.
It's magic.


Mama Bear, Papa Bear & Sugar Bear

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