Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Hit me with your best shot!

Remember this post? too. A mere 6 months ago, someone broke into my car and stole my purse while I was at the gym working out.

Today, while I was working out at the gym, someone broke into my padlocked locker and stole my purse.

First things first: Yes, I checked the lock and it WAS LOCKED. I'm kinda anal about it since someone stole my purse six months ago.

The first time I felt violated but embarrassed because I had forgotten my purse in the car. This time? Violated and frightened. Because my purse not only had my identification, but the keys to my car and MY HOUSE.

Does anyone else see the humor in this happening less than 24 hours after announcing my personal challenge to tackle my fears?

So, I decided not to let fear be my guide (Cautious and smart, yes. Fearful, no.) I had a policeman check my house before I returned.


Then I let ANGER be my guide. I pulled up my big girl panties and decided to face this HEAD ON like a FREIGHT TRAIN.

Hey thief! If you are reading this. YES, YOU. GAME ON. GAME FREAKING ON!

I called the credit card companies and got all the information I need to give to the detective in hopes of securing video surveillance of the thieves in action. I then thought I would throw a shot in the dark and see if the "find my phone" app on my phone would possibly help.

And guess what?

That nifty little app worked. Guess where the blinking beacon said my phone was located?


I marched (emphasis on march) myself back up to the gym with my computer. I showed them the map, explained that it was clear my phone was still in the vicinity, and then told them I wasn't leaving until we found it.

I then asked (okay, told) them to continuously press the "ping phone" button until I found it. And they did.

For two hours straight.

I checked the entire parking lot. The drainage gullies. I put on gloves and checked every dumpster in the parking lot and EVERY. SINGLE. TRASH CAN in the gym.

Before we go any further, I think it's important that I give you these 2 important pieces of information:

1. people at the gym use way, way, WAY too many paper towels. I believe this gym alone deforested a small country in South America. And they were ALL nasty.

2. I shall never eat at a local neighborhood hot spot again. Blech.

I even went in the nearby drugstore to check. The conversation with the employee went something like this:

MB: Hi. My purse was stolen and my phone locater says it is somewhere in this vicinity. Has anyone turned in a phone?


MB: Okay. Well, I'm pinging the phone right now. Have you heared any beeping? Or anything like it?

EMPLOYEE BEAR: Nope. But to be honest with you, I hear beeping and other noises pretty much all the time.

MB: .....

(Note to self: have prescriptions transferred after replacing driver's license)

After all that, I returned to the gym, positive that the phone was STILL THERE. I just knew it. I took another stab at the trash cans. At which point, one of the gym janitors decided to help me out. He asked me if I checked the lockers. I told him I had checked the locker room trash cans. He asked if I had checked EVERY SINGLE locker. I told him I hadn't. Why would it still be in the LOCKERS? So, nearing defeat, I decided to try his idea. I returned to the locker room and began opening and shutting every. single. locker.

Guess what?

I found my purse.

And my keys.

And my phone - still beeping and displaying the message: THIS PHONE IS STOLEN PROPERTY. RETURN TO GYM IMMEDIATELY OR RISK PROSECUTION. (I meant it when I said "GAME ON.")
But not my wallet.

Seems the thieves were interested in only my easy cash and credit cards and nothing else. They busted my lock, snagged my wallet and threw the rest in another locker about ten lockers away.

So, I guess I can rest a little more safely tonight.

But that little thief?

Better sleep with one eye open.



Now, I have a question for you, CyberBears. The operations manager at the gym said she "wants to compensate me" for my troubles. That "I shouldn't have dealt with this twice." So, she is going to "talk to corporate" about this and "see what they can do."

I told her thank you, and that I would discuss it with her later. My chief concern at the moment was getting my purse. But I was also afraid that if I accepted any offer right there, I would be required to sign papers releasing them from liability...which I wasn't ready to do (and, am still not sure I'm ready to do).

So..CyberBears. What should I do? Dump the gym? (my beloved trainer works there. I'm not sure I can imagine going forward with my training without his support). Accept an offer of a few free months and be happy? Get a lawyer?

Seriously. I need proper advice. I don't want to bilk anyone. However, I do want the folks at this place to get a clue about the serious problem they have going on right under their noses. Leave your thoughts in the comments section. Feel free to keep 'em anonymous.

Unless of course, you are the thief. In that case, I'd like your name and address, please. Quid pro quo.

Oh. And my only iPhone complaint? That "lost phone ping" needs to be MUCH MUCH louder. MeMaw spent too much time today with her head hovered over trash cans trying to hear her new fangled phone. But I guess I can't complain since their app found my stuff.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Clear as mud?


Have I mentioned how much I love you CyberBears? Come a lil' closer to the screen. Closer. Lil' {SQUEEEEEZZZZZZZE!!!!!} (That's me giving you all a big ol' CyberHug.)

You guys are so fun. And so sweet. And so supportive.

Thank you.

However, what you AREN'T is familiar with the game of Clue. I thought I gave you 3 pretty big clues (2 pictures, 1 written). However, it seems I need to do some clarifying (without, of course, revealing too much). So, to clarify:

1. Despite what many of you would LOVE to see, it's not another cub. Seriously. I love my 2 cubs to death. But another cub? VERY, VERY, VERY AFRAID. And, surprisingly enough, I don't feel the need to overcome that one.

2. Permanent body art will NOT be a part of this.

One more hint (For a total of 5..because, if you are good at the game of clue, you just caught another clue mere seconds ago). And that's all. After that, I'm not discussing it, confirming it, or denying it. Because, I might just throw up all over you. And that would just be rude.

So. Final Clue:

A small sampling of the mere REJECTS:

Did I mention, GAH? BLACH? EEEEEK?

I really mean it when I say that all my hopes and dreams almost died RIGHT THEN AND THERE in that horrifically lit room o' torture.

Okay. That is all. We shall never speak of this again.


Monday, February 27, 2012

I'm not afraid!

It's time to come clean: I was afraid to write this post.

Really. I put a deadline on this. Then I pushed it. And pushed it again. All because I was afraid. Which, I think is such a perfect example of why I've decided to embark on a journey of sorts.

But first, let me fill you in a little more...

Years ago, during a High School discipleship weekend, I discovered a verse that I just loved. So, I claimed it for myself. The verse is:

For God did not give us a spirit of cowardice, but rather a spirit of power and of love and of self-discipline. II Timothy 1:7
For some reason, this verse spoke to me in a way I had never experienced before. It was my mantra for surviving high school and life as a Christian. I was not afraid! God gave me power, love, and self-discipline! With that, I could conquer anything, right?

Well, it's been a while since high school and I sit here now in front of this computer and admit to you today: I am a Mama Bear enslaved by fear.

Now, it's not like these fears are keeping me from leaving the den or anything. They just seem to pervade every part of my life and I think they've eaten away at the Mama/Woman Bear I think God created and intended me to be.

I don't know how it happened. I figure it crept up on me slowly and then finally overwhelmed me. It seems so crazy though. I'm a confident Mama Bear! You wouldn't think on first meeting that I'm so controlled by fear. Yet, I am.

But I've finally decided to do something about it.

I recently celebrated a birthday and in less than 365 days I'll reach another one. A milestone one. I could be afraid. But I won't be. Instead, I've decided spend then next year on a voyage of self discovery, attempting to take back control, and - hopefully - free myself from the fear that has controlled me for too long.

Want to join me?

There will be "little" challenges throughout the year. But I've also set a big goal for myself. It deals with a fear that hangs over me like a rain cloud every single day. This big goal will take over a year of preparation. And it terrifies me.


I'm not going to let you know what it is just yet. Just know that I had to overcome a real fear just to even let you CyberBears know I'd set the goal. But I will give you a few hints. It involved a visit here:

and maybe to a place that does this:

(Trust me. The first place was waaaaaaaay more painful than the second! And it almost derailed the whole thing.)

But now I'm going public. I'm forcing myself to admit this out loud (so to speak) to make myself follow through.
I hope you follow me along this journey. I don't know where it's going to take me. But I'm ready to break these chains, reclaim II Timothy 1:7, and see what happens. And, who knows, maybe I've struck a cord with you too? Maybe you need to start a similar journey. I would love some other weary travelers to join me along the way.

And, in the words of the famous poet, Eminem,
I'm not afraid, to take a stand
Everybody, come take my hand
We'll walk this road together, through the storm
Whatever weather, cold or warm
Just let'n you know, you're not alone
Holla if you feel like you've been down the same road.
(Is it grounds for instant damnation if you quote Scripture and Eminem in the same blog post? I sure hope not...)

Here's to a year of breaking free from fear.

Let the journey begin.......

Friday, February 24, 2012

Friday Randoms

I'm writing this post as I desperately try to get ready to head out of town for a Women's Retreat and concurrently parent my cubs. Nothing like multi-tasking to make a Mama Bear feel competent (sarcasm font, please!).

I don't normally post on the weekends. However, I'm working on something a big deal for me. I've been scheming this for a while now. But the pieces are falling into place, and my personal deadline to make it public has already passed. So...I'm forcing myself to commit to this. But I need a few quiet minutes away from my precious (but time sucking) cubs in order to process my thoughts and write them up. Insert perfectly timed Women's Retreat!! Yeah! So, assuming that the retreat location has Wifi and assuming I can actually figure out said Wifi (both BIG ifs) I'm going to post this weekend. If not, I'll have the post on Monday.

I'm saying this more to FORCE myself into going public with my plan rather than torture you into hitting refresh all weekend. Nothing like a blog to keep one honest...

Until then, a few randoms for you:

  • My Brother Bear and I were texting back and forth yesterday about this restaurant I saw. He had some pretty snazzy ideas about it that left us both hungry.
What do you think Cyberbears? Culinary Genius or Culinary Disaster??

  • This:
has been sitting neatly packed in our bedroom ready to go since Thursday. He doesn't leave until Sunday night!!! Me? I packed my hospital bag for both my deliveries while in active labor and am currently franticly writing my "talk" at the Women's Retreat (whilst blogging and parenting said cubs). Tomorrow. Yet another reason why he and I are truly made for each other.

  • I've decided to try my hand at becoming a morning bear. I'm five days in and, surprisingly, I haven't died yet. Only one morning was an epic failure. My wake-up times have been (M-F): 6:30, 6:15, 6:15, 6:00 and (insert trumpet sound) 5:45!! My bedtime however, is embarrassingly early now. Just call me MeMaw as I went to SLEEP at 9:30 p.m. last night (I was in bed even earlier). Next on my list? Conquering the world, waking up at 5:15 a.m., and figuring out something to do in the mornings other than drink a cup of coffee and wander aimlessly around the house in my jammies. (Baby Steps, right?)
Okay. That's it for today.

Be looking for more from me soon....

Thursday, February 23, 2012

First Aid kit

Do you remember the Band Aid ad where the little kids sang, "I am stuck on Band Aid Brand 'cuz Band Aid's stuck on me?" Sugar Bear is totally stuck on Band Aids. They are pretty cool, 'ya know...

Today I'm talking about Band Aids and healing. Click here to read more.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Sugar Bear (after seeing the following leftover piece of King Cake): Mama Bear! Der's one more piece of King's pie left. And I will have it.

The piece she actually received:

After discussing Mardi Gras and Lent with Brother Bear, he began the process of deciding what he would give up for Lent. The list (in order):
  • Wii (After realizing it would be forty LONG days without the Wii, he promptly turned this down)
  • Sleeping with Lovie (blanket), Wolfie (stuffed wolf), and Shatto (stuffed cow) (After realizing he was breaking his Mama Bear's heart, he chose against this)
  • Homework (After realizing that wasn't the sacrifice he deemed it to be, he moved on)
  • Playing with Legos (After realizing he would be bereft without his precious legos, he kept thinking)
And the winner?

Sugary drinks. While he doesn't really get a lot of sugary drinks in our house (thus, it's not a huge sacrifice), we embrace and support his desire to participate in the process.


Here's to walking the path to the Cross and remembering the sacrifice together with each of you. May the path fill you with the hope, peace and grace that is Jesus Christ.

Monday, February 13, 2012


Mama Bear: Sugar Bear, it's raining and very cold outside. Please choose something to wear that is appropriate for the cold and the rain.

Sugar Bear:

Mama Bear: .....


Mama Bear: You look beautiful Sugar Bear!


Mama Bear: .....

Friday, February 10, 2012

Mommy Dearest

Lest you think it's all, "NO MORE WIRE HANGERS" around here, I thought I'd post a reality check:

See? I am no domestic goddess. Other than a working laundry system and some pre-made PB&Js, I'm pretty much a mess (although, please note the folded laundry in the basket on the couch).

Just keeping it real.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Taking Sides

Have you ever been faced with taking sides? Sure you have! Everyone has! Today on Facebook, I'm discussing the old adage, "there are two sides to every story." Click here to read more.

Sandwich Love

Back for the second (and final) installment of All Things Domestic? I'm hoping the build up didn't ruin it for you.

First and foremost, I did not come up with this idea myself. I'll give credit where credit is due. My friend Emily told me about it and as soon as she did, I realized it would make a huge difference for me.

But first, the front story: I have a classic bell curve when it comes to my productivity each day. I start out veeeeery slowly about 6:40 a.m. (exactly 20 minutes later than I plan. Every. Single. Day.) I am in NO WAY a morning bear. Well, actually, I am a bear in the mornings. Literally. I can't form sentences until about 7:00 a.m., and critical thinking skills don't set in until about 7:40 a.m. (which, incidentally, coincides exactly with the time that I have to start hustling Brother Bear out of the door). If I could change one thing about myself? I'd want to be a morning person. Really, I'd love to be one of those early-rising-productive-before-the-sun-rises kind of Mama Bears. But, alas. I'm not.

By about 9:45-10:00 in the morning, my productivity picks up. By 11:00 a.m. I'm kicking backside and taking names. By 1:00 p.m., most things are accomplished and I can slow down a bit, and by 3:00 p.m., I'm hit by the great train of cub pick up, homework, activities, play dates and dinner prep. By the time dinner is on the table at 6:00 - 6:30 p.m., My critical thinking skills are again at an all time low. By 8:30 p.m., I'm mush-for-brains, and by 10:30 p.m. I'm asleep with a book my Kindle in my hand (when, oh WHEN, did I become a Memaw? Next up, glasses on a chain and a "patio dress").

My productivity curve flies directly in the face of my desire to be efficient with my cubs' lunch prep. One would think making a cub's (or multiple cub's lunches) would be simple. Yes, if I were making it at 11:00 a.m. But here's an idea of what lunch prep looks like at the times I've tried it:

Lunch prep the night before (somewhere between 9:00 p.m. - 10:30 p.m.) - Get peanut butter out of pantry. Walk to beverage fridge and get juice. Realize I need lunch box to make lunch. Retrieve lunch box. Go to pantry to get peanut butter. Realize that it's sitting on counter. Get bread from fridge. Return to fridge for jelly. Get distracted by question from Papa Bear. Go to pantry to get peanut butter. Curse my memory. Spread peanut butter on bread. Return peanut butter to pantry. Get yogurt from freezer. Realize I forgot to put jelly on bread. Spread jelly on bread. Spend 5 minutes figuring out which fruit, chips, dessert combination I served in previous day's lunch. Create a non-used-the-day-before combination. Write semi-witty/loving note (or, picture for Sugar Bear). Zip up bags, put in fridge (Or, worse, accidentally leave on counter overnight). Total time elapsed: +/- 20 minutes.

Lunch prep the morning of (somewhere between 6:40 a.m. - 7:40 a.m.) - Stand in kitchen looking around in a futile attempt to locate pantry. Pour cup of coffee. Stare at empty lunch box and try to remember what it was I was supposed to be doing. Guzzle coffee. Retrieve bread from fridge. Stare at bread willing it to miraculously jump out of bag and dance itself into a sandwich. Pour another cup of coffee. Go back to bed. Total time elapsed: +/- 1 hour.

You can see why, when my friend offered me a simple tip to help increase my lunch making productivity, I was ALL IN.

Here's her MAGIC TIP.

Seriously. I tried it this weekend. Saturday while Papa Bear and the kids were playing, I slapped together 10 sandwiches, wrapped 'em up and stuck 'em in the freezer. The night before, I threw in the juice, chips, dessert, fruit, yogurt and then grabbed a sandwich and threw it in too. Total time elapsed: +/- 3 minutes.

I can't say scientifically WHY it increased my lunch making efficiency so much. BUT I KNOW IT DID.

So very simple! For those of you with nut allergy issues, you'll see the alternate tip my bearfriend suggests. I think you could also change it to a ham or turkey sandwich (without the cheese? I hear it doesn't freeze well...never tried it). My kids ONLY eat PB&J. Sigh.

So there you go. You are welcome.

That now completes my lengthy series on domesticity. We shall return to our regularly scheduled programing after this brief message from our sponsors: Jiffy Peanut Butter & Ginko Supplements (ha ha ha. You know that's a joke, right? No one sponsors this bloggy.)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Rockin' your world

If you are back today for my second (last) domestic tip, my apologies. You will not get it today. My bearfriend who taught me the tip is featuring it on her blog tomorrow, and I refuse to steal her thunder. So....never fear. Your lunch world will be rocked. But you'll have to wait until tomorrow. I'll link up to her blog and tell you my personal thoughts about it too.

Until then, I hate to promise a post and not deliver. I saw this yesterday and was TOTALLY freaked out by it. I felt it was my obligation to freak y'all out too. This, too will rock your world. Trust me.

Enjoy. Or, run screaming from the computer. Whichever you choose.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Laundry Love

I am not a domestic goddess. I am not crafty. I can cook, but not bake. I pay someone to clean my house. Instead of meeting Papa Bear at the door in full make up with a mixed drink in my hand, I'm unshowered, wearing workout clothes, and desperately clutching my OWN glass of wine (I strictly follow the "put your OWN oxygen mask on first" philosophy). This is one of the many reasons this blog has never been a place to come for all tips domestic.

However, today that changes. This post is a direct result of a Facebook dialogue between friends. Apparently, my laundry system has changed one of my friend's life (who said Facebook was all bad?). There has been a request for further explanation of my system. Thus, this post.

For those of you who hate laundry, I hope this post makes you hate it a wee bit less. For those of you who already have your own system, yawn and move on! I've never claimed to be an expert at anything domestic...

My laundry "system" was born out of my extreme distaste for Laundry Day. know what I'm talking about. The day you assign to getting the family laundry done. The day you move eight different loads from the washer, to the dryer, and then to your couch....where you intend to fold them, really, you do. But the sheer mass of clothing overwhelms you. So you either leave them there on the couch picking out what you need from the pile, or you move them to baskets where they wrinkle to the point that you are forced to re wash them or, gasp, iron.

This is what I did. Or, attempted to do. What ended up happening was I'd stay up until midnight trying to fold everything or I'd leave it in a wrinkled mess. Either way, I found myself grumpy and constantly feeling like laundry was taking me over.

So I decided to change things up. No more Laundry Day. Now it's Laundry Days. Literally. Every day. Wait...don't click away just yet!! Stick with me. I promise it's BETTER not worse!

Indeed, now I do Laundry basically every day. But, instead of doing ALL the Laundry in ONE day, I do SOME LAUNDRY every day. It's the whole "How do you eat an elephant?" mentality. One bite at a time.

I looked at my family's laundry loads, and then broke it down by days. This is what I came up with (might be TOTALLY different for your household):
Monday - Bear Cubs
Tuesday - Mama & Papa Bear
Wednesday - Workout Clothes & Delicates
Thursday - catch up day
Friday - Sheets & Towels (full confession: the cleaning lady does these)
Saturday - cleaning rags & towels
Sunday - Workout Clothes

The only "rule" I imposed on myself was this: each day's load had to be washed, folded, and put away by the end of the day. Sounds daunting at first, but when it's one little basket worth of laundry (instead of eight heaping baskets), it is really TOTALLY manageable!

So, for example, on Monday morning, I throw the cub's laundry in the wash, and then the dryer. If I have time during the day, I'll fold it. If not, as soon as Papa Bear starts bathing the kids, I sit down and fold the clothes. And, most days, I follow through on my rule of putting the laundry away. I'll admit, if I get behind on anything, it's the putting the clothes away part. But, at least the clothes are folded...right?

Again, I've found this method keeps me from spending a whole day washing and folding and getting behind. But, I've also found that it helps in other ways too. Most importantly, I'm not instantly behind when surprise events like, say, barfing cubs pop up. Because of the system, the machines aren't tied up, and I can throw in a quick load of dirty sheets one day and not get behind.

There are few other things that I do to stay on top of laundry as well. However, they might cross the line from organized into OCD. Those of you that know me know....that's a very fine line for me... But here's what they are:
  • Stain fighting: each bedroom (plus the laundry room) has a stain fighter spray (you could just as easily use a stick). Any clothes that are stained get sprayed when the come off of the cub's/bear's body before they go into the hamper. That way, I don't forget to treat (remembering to treat is NOT my strong suit) and this gives time to treat the stain before washing.
  • Pre-sorting: Papa Bear and I invested in one of those 3 bin laundry hampers. Instead of dropping all our clothes in one hamper, and then me having to sort the clothes later, we sort them into their loads (lights, darks, delicates) as we take the clothes off. This saves not only time, but my sanity, as I'm not great at sorting either.
  • Spreadsheet: Okay. This is where it crosses the line from organized to OCD. The first step is admitting the problem, right? And y'all know how I like a good spreadsheet! Basically, I have the entire laundry schedule printed out on a spreadsheet and taped on the cabinet above the washer. I have the day of the week, the load scheduled for such day, and the directions (what cycle, how much detergent, dryer cycle...etc). My idea behind this was, should I ever become incapacitated, the laundry would still get done. And when I became un-incapacitated, I wouldn't have 18 loads of laundry to do. A Mama Bear can dream, can't she? It's basically just become fodder for OCD jokes. And I'm okay with that.
So, that's my system. Do you like it? Do you have a better system? Questions? Would love to hear what you think.

Be looking for another tip tomorrow. It is one I was taught recently that has changed our lives in another way. I'll I'm going to say is: be prepared to have your lunch world rocked.

Friday, February 3, 2012

The True Measure of a Mama Bear's Love

Most of you know I have 2 cubs. But I really have three. I'm mentioned my first cub occasionally on this blog (here, here, and - oh yeah, here). Seems he doesn't get a lot of good press on this blog!

So the furriest cub in the house celebrated his 12th birthday in January (best guess since he's was a stray with no papers). TWELVE. Do you know the average lifespan for his breed? DON'T ASK. I get weepy every time I think about it (unless, of course, it's when I'm scooping his poo. Then it's aWHOLE different story).

We've been noticing recently that his arthritis has gotten much worse. But yesterday was just awful. I called him and he didn't come. When I went into the room, he was scooting across our brick floors trying to get his hind quarters up. He just couldn't do it. I had to lift him up myself.


So I took our furry cub to the doctor today. And this is where I learned that I REALLY MUST LOVE THAT DURN CANINE.

The doctor prescribed a plan of action that involved attacking the problem from multiple angles.

Angle 1: PHARMACEUTICALS - They had been suggested before, but at such a drastic level that we would have had to make some serious budget cuts. And I do mean SERIOUS. This time, the recommended dosage is easier to swallow. For both of us (har!)

Angle 2: SUPPLEMENTS: Did you know that canines can take the same supplements as us? Neither did I. In conjunction with the pharmaceuticals, our beloved furry cub is to now take:

1) 1500 mg/ day of Glucosamine
2) 2000 mg/day of Omega-3
3) One half a tablet/day of Ocuvite (this wasn't for his arthritis....but what the heck!)
For those of you that are interested in counting, that's approximately 6.5 pills per day. I think I'm going to invest in a daily pill box. FOR MY DOG.

So far, I'm on the same page as the vet. While I'm not real keen on shelling out the bucks for the meds, I've come to terms with the fact that this is the responsibility that comes with pet ownership. ( I love being a grown up)

But then the doctor threw in the final angle....

Angle 3: WEIGHT MANAGEMENT - Just like it does in their human counterparts, weight makes canine arthritis worse. So, the doc suggested our furry cub lose a hefty amount of his heft. (And, yes, I do find the irony in now owning a pet with weight issues...) While I might not have agreed with the doc on how much my furry cub needed to lose, I do certainly agree that weight loss will make him feel better. But then the doc lined out exactly HOW to get my furry cub to lose his root-beer belly:
  • Cut his food by 1/3 (easy enough)
  • replace missing food with 1 CAN OF GREEN BEANS.
For those of you who don't spend a lot of time at my den, this doesn't seem like a big deal. However, for the rest of you that have been "blessed" by my canine's supernatural emission skills, you KNOW that this is just a recipe for disaster. Seriously, if there were a category at the AKC's Dog Show for Best Tooter, we'd be rich pet owners right now. I've known this furry cub to clear a room in milliseconds flat.

But, yet, after loading up my cart with natural supplements, I found myself in the canned vegetables aisle searching for the cheapest green beans available (Great Value: 68 cents - fyi).


Because, despite what some may think, I love that stinky, furry cub.


Candle suggestions anyone?

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Sign that she's mine:

Upon turning on the light in her room in an attempt to wake her up, she responded, "Oh..I'm twying..I'm twying...I'm twying to wake up my eyes. Mama, turn out the's too bwight for my eyes to wake up." When I turned out the light per her request she responded, "Dere. Dats bettuh."

Sign that she's his:

Her freakishly mad puzzle skills.

Sign that she's the child of aliens:

While pulling the tiniest piece of meat from her mouth (from her required 3 bites of that evening's poison soup), she says, "Mama! I TOLD you, I DON'T LIKE BACON!"

DNA is a curious, curious thing.