Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Clear as mud?


Have I mentioned how much I love you CyberBears? Come a lil' closer to the screen. Closer. Lil' more....now {SQUEEEEEZZZZZZZE!!!!!} (That's me giving you all a big ol' CyberHug.)

You guys are so fun. And so sweet. And so supportive.

Thank you.

However, what you AREN'T is familiar with the game of Clue. I thought I gave you 3 pretty big clues (2 pictures, 1 written). However, it seems I need to do some clarifying (without, of course, revealing too much). So, to clarify:

1. Despite what many of you would LOVE to see, it's not another cub. Seriously. I love my 2 cubs to death. But another cub? VERY, VERY, VERY AFRAID. And, surprisingly enough, I don't feel the need to overcome that one.

2. Permanent body art will NOT be a part of this.

One more hint (For a total of 5..because, if you are good at the game of clue, you just caught another clue mere seconds ago). And that's all. After that, I'm not discussing it, confirming it, or denying it. Because, I might just throw up all over you. And that would just be rude.

So. Final Clue:

A small sampling of the mere REJECTS:

Did I mention, GAH? BLACH? EEEEEK?

I really mean it when I say that all my hopes and dreams almost died RIGHT THEN AND THERE in that horrifically lit room o' torture.

Okay. That is all. We shall never speak of this again.



  1. Hmm...Jet. Interesting guess. I wonder if you are right?????? Guess we'll have to wait and see, huh?

    And, thanks for commenting. LOVE having interaction with you CyberBears!! Thanks, more for reading and joining me on this journey!


  2. The question is WHICH triathlon...that's a real brainburner....

  3. You are finally entering the Mrs. Texas pagent and needed a swimsuit for the competition. You've got my vote, Ethel

  4. Anonymous, Actually it's the Mrs. Texas SENIORS Pageant, but you were right on target!! How'd you know? Glad I have your vote. XOXO, Lucy.
