Thursday, May 6, 2010

A, B, C...

The student council at Brother Bear's school is sponsoring a school wide countdown to the end of the year. They are using the alphabet and counting down the last 26 days with letter themed days (don't get me started on how ABCs aren't numbers and if you were to "count down" you would start with Z, not A! Bear Cubs thought this up...not Mama Bears. I'm trying to just go with it!).

Anyway, we are trying to reinforce the concept at home as well. At the dinner table, we are each saying a word that starts with the letter of the day.

Yesterday was the letter "C". Because I'm a busy Mama Bear and my brain isn't functioning quite as well as I'd like, I gave a little time to what my word would be.

When we sat down to dinner Brother Bear said, "I have 2 words!!" "My words are: contrary and colossal!"

And that is the point at which I just about melted. Why? I'll tell you why. Because the word I had come up with, the word that I had actually put some thought into?



  1. Has Brother Bear been reading the dictionary again? Those are some seriously impressive words! And if you're still on a healthy eating plan (WW?) it seems perfectly logical to me that you'd be thinking COOKIE! PLUS: "Cookie, cookie, cookie starts with C!"

  2. Alas, you know me so well. Indeed, cookie came to mind since I'm eating fewer of them these days! -10 and counting!!! Congrats, btw on meeting your goal!

    Oh, and my alternate title was: C is for Cookie! Great minds think alike!

  3. I totally agree--a countdown with letters should start with Z. Would the current plan be a "countup"? sdm

  4. That Brother Bear has got a future in words! So cute (that's MY very academic "C" word).

