Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What my life has become

As Papa Bear and I drove up to the valet stand on a recent (rare, but recent) date night, I commented on the humor of valet parking van. Not really a babe catching/hot date vehicle. Good thing Papa Bear already caught me!

Anyway, saw this video recently and it made me laugh. Hysterically. So, I thought I'd share it with you Cyber Bears.

This is what my life has become:

But let it be known, even though this is what my life has become, I wouldn't change it one bit.

Not one.


  1. That is hilarious! Driving up in an old Tahoe for valet doesn't make you feel any better, by the way!

  2. The Prius was our ride to the valet stand...pulled up behind a sweet Bentley. I noticed it got curbside parking. The Prius? Pulled into the dark, stinky garage.

    No respect.

  3. We watched all the Swagger Wagon videos the other night... hilarious.
