Monday, June 8, 2009

Ode to the Crock Pot

Oh, Crock Pot, why do you get such a bad rap?
You work so hard on dinner, whilst I take a nap.

You boil and toil and make our sup
And then at 6 we eat it up!

Tacos, barbecue, and other things neat
Not stews or soups or mystery meat.

'Tis true others may laugh at our love affair,
But a week without you, I cannot dare.

I love you dear Crock Pot, you're my best friend
I'll never leave you, we're together to the end!


  1. I feel like the slowcooker has really experienced quite the resurgence lately!! I assume you have seen the Crockpot 365 blog? We have made some TASTY stuff from those recipes! Can't beat having dinner ready at the end of the day!

  2. I love the crockpot too! Have you found the crockpot bags (liners) they make the experience sooo much better, not stuck on mess to soak in the sink for hours.
    Debby Wineland

  3. Enjoyed catching up on your blog just now...hope hubby is back with gifts for all?


  4. This is true poetry... it brought a little tear to my eye. :-)

  5. Just a few crock pot recipes for you:
